Saturday 5 August 2023

 Lean 5S journey a Practical Approach


Once Upon A Time In The developing city of Vadodara in Gujarat India. There was a factory that had been operating for generations. The factory was producing different types of plastic components of small and bigger sizes from the complex types of machinery. And this factory was Renowned for its quality and efficiency. Yet the factory owner Mr. Ram knew that he can do even better. He had heard about the philosophy of lean manufacturing and its potential to transform the way his factory operated through his business coach Mr.Raj. He was determined to embrace this new approach, so Mr. Ram ventured into the journey to discover the secrets of lean manufacturing, starting with its fundamental principle the 5’S to start his improvement journey under the guidance of his business coach Mr.Raj.

1.       The Awakening:- One morning while visiting the factory he observed the clutter, inefficiencies, and wasted time, he noticed that the operators are busy searching for tools tripping over materials, and struggling to maintain a clean and organized workplace. That's when he realized the need for change. He decided to discuss with the President and factory manager and shared his vision of becoming a lean Enterprise to be competitive in the marketplace.

2.       Sorting. :- The first "S" of Lean Manufacturing was sorting.  Mr. Ram knew that they had to eliminate anything that didn't add value to their production process. So the team started the Grand sorting process of a cell (One zone of the Factory), they precisely evaluated each item in the factory, deciding what was essential and what was not. The unused machines or parts were removed, obsolete tools were discarded, and excessive inventory was reduced the factory transformed into a well-organized clatter-free environment with more free space than the existing one.

3.       Set in Order: - Once the unnecessary items were removed then it was time for the second “S” Set in Order.  Mr. Ram and his team knew that an organized workplace would boost efficiency and productivity. They redesigned the factory layout, placing the most frequently used tools and equipment within its easy reach, color-coded labels for every item in the factory. Mr. Ram and his team marked the shining Pathways, and aisles and guided the operators to their workstations through the visual management tools.

This reduced confusion and saved time to perform the operations. Every item had a designated place, and each and every operator knew where to find what they needed.

4.       Shine: - The third “S” Shine stressed the importance of cleanliness and maintenance of the equipment. This team implemented a comprehensive cleaning routine. The operators started to take Pride and keep their workstations Spotless, which not only improved morale but also revealed potential defects or maintenance issues early on. Regular equipment maintenance reduced breakdowns of the tools and machines in the factory. The clean and well-organized machines lead to smoother operations and a safer working environment. This has attracted new Customers on board due to its visual appeal.

5.       Standardize: - As the factory begins to see significant improvements. Mr. Ram was eager to ensure that the changes would be sustained in the long run. Hence he has discussed this issue with his business coach Mr.Raj and made the plan accordingly. The 4th “S” Standardize was the key to achieving this. The standard operating procedure (SOPs) were made for each task, for creating a consistent approach to work. All the employees were trained to follow these procedures and work instructions diligently. It allowed for seamless collaboration between teams, as every employee knew what was expected from them, hence the process become more predictable to achieve the desired results.

6.       Sustain: - However Mr. Ram and his team knew that even the most remarkable changes could slowly fade away without the fifth “S” Sustain. The team had recognized that they need for continuous improvement. They established a culture of continuous learning, where employees were encouraged to share their ideas and suggestions freely at regular intervals. Daily work management meetings (DWM) and performance review meetings were held to identify areas of improvement. Now this factory become a place where innovation and improvement were celebrated, and everyone in the organization started taking ownership of making things better.

Success and beyond: - The time had passed and the factory underwent a complete transformation. The Productivity improved, Quality improved, defects decreased, Inventory reduced, lead time reduced significantly, and the news of the factory's success sprayed throughout the industrial area that got attention from other businesses and media houses. To adopt the lean principles.


Mr. Ram and his business coach Mr.Raj become a respected figure in the industrial area. They had started sharing their experience and insights with other industrial associations. And the ripple effect of Lean manufacturing extended beyond his factory transferring the entire City into a hub of efficiency and excellence.

In the end, the story of the factory in the industrial area became the testimonial (sample) to the power of Lean Manufacturing’s 5’S principles. By implementation of Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardization, and Sustenance. Mr. Ram and his team had demonstrated the true potential for the culture of continuous improvement in their factory, which would keep them driving for generations to come.

And so, the journey to Lean manufacturing continued, inspiring businesses far and wide to embark on their Quest for excellence.

 Journey Continue ……………

For those who would like to read my book on 5S.

Best Way to Implement 5S 

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